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Mission is a website and social media platform that shares unique, intellectual, thought provoking events that have subject matter that effect people of African descent or speakers of African descent.'s mantra:

Be Informed | Get Inspired | Change Our Community.

ABOUT US brings current and diverse scholarship on topics that impact Black people to the community, church, school and university and creates an engaged and more unified group of Africans in the diaspora. Becoming better informed fosters a more involved critical thinker that can become the catalyst for positive change in neighborhoods and the world.

Vision recognizes that churches, libraries, schools, institutions, organizations and universities throughout the United States have FREE or low priced events, speakers, book launches, conferences and more that have content critical to Black engagement that deserve more creative marketing so that those who it might help feel welcome to attend. brings those events to the public and to scholars so all become engaged and united in action. is an interactive website sharing local, national and international scholarly and knowledge based events featuring Black scholars and Black thought. The Site|Social Media announces, markets, produces, archives and streams events in major cities at universities, religious institutions and conventions.

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